
Health Promotion: Concepts and Practice

ISBN: 978-0-632-03543-4

September 1993


228 pages

Health promotion is high on the political agenda - it has been highlighted in the Health Service reforms, achieved recognition as an important dimension of public policy, and has come to be seen as an essential aspect of the work of all health professionals. There is widespread disagreement as to what health promotion is or indeed ought to be. Attempts have been made through academic literature to resolve these uncertainties, largely resulting in further controversy. Such abstract discussions have not been aimed at the specific needs of health professionals like nurses. This book not only takes up the conceptual challenges but meets the practical demands of health care settings.
About the Author
Alison Dines, BSc, MA, is senior specialist in poisons information at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Poisons Unit, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
* introduces key ideas, issues and controversies concerning health promotion theory and concepts * explores the practical opportunities and constraints facing nurses seeking to promote health in a range of settings * essential aspect of work of all health professionals * health promotion included in undergraduate curricula * experienced and respected team of contributors