
Hands - on ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

ISBN: 978-0-470-28664-7

January 2008

44 pages

This Wrox Blox gives developers a hands-on look at some of the commonly used AJAX Control Toolkit controls, focusing on the CollapsiblePanel, Accordion, Tabs, ModalPopup, TextboxWatermark, AutoComplete, and CascadingDropDown. Developers also gain the tools they need to effectively use and understand the other controls found in the Toolkit. The starting point is an introduction to ASP.NET AJAX discussing the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions 1.0 and AJAX in .NET 3.5, laying the groundwork for understanding how all the pieces of the ASP.NET AJAX Framework interoperate. The introduction focuses on controls in the Extensions such as the ScriptManager, which is required for most of the AJAX Toolkit Controls, leaving readers with an understanding of the client-side enhancements found in the Microsoft AJAX Library.

The next step is getting the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions installed and running properly as well as installing the AJAX Control Toolkit. This section also offers troubleshooting tips for common issues.

Finally, developers will venture into the world of the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. Under this section, each of the controls listed will focus on using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit with real-world tasks in mind, not just boilerplate examples. Common tasks include theming, comparison against the UpdatePanel, dynamically creating controls, venturing into client-side (JavaScript) source code, and recommended usages.

About the Author
Damien White is the founder and President of Visoft, Inc., a solution development corporation specializing in all aspects of the software development life cycle, with a strong focus on Microsoft technologies. Damien’s passion for the Microsoft .NET Framework began with very early betas of the 1.0 release, roughly seven years ago, and still continues today. Damien is also a Microsoft Certified Application Developer on .NET (MCAD .NET). He has always been an early adopter of innovative technologies and constantly looks toward the next big thing. Damien lives in central Connecticut with his wife and spends his free time reading, writing, and coding, much of which can be found in the ASP.NET forums or on his blog (http://blogs.visoftinc.com).