
Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Sports Injury Prevention

ISBN: 978-1-444-30361-2

March 2009


248 pages

This volume in the Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science series is a practical guide on the prevention of sports injuries. It covers all Olympic sports, plus additional sport activities with international competition, such as rugby. Focusing on reducing the potential for injuries, the book is organised by regions of the body. There are also chapters on the importance of injury prevention and developing an injury prevention program within a team. The authors identify the risk factors for specific injuries in each sport, typical injury mechanisms and risks associated with training.
About the Author
Roald Bahr, MD, PhD, Sports Medicine Department, University of Sport and Physical Education, Norway

Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman, Orthopaedic Center, Ulleval University Hospital, Norway

● A handbook of practical information on the prevention of injuries
● Ideal for athletes, their trainers/coaches, allied health personnel (physical therapists, athletic trainers), and physicians
● Aims to reduce the potentials for injuries and prevent the injuries themselves, that cause pain, incapacitation, expense, and time lost from conditioning and competition
● Addresses specific joints and regions of the body
● Features coverage of all the Olympic sports plus additional sport activities with international competition, such as rugby