
Gynaecology: Changing Services for Changing Needs

ISBN: 978-0-470-03095-0

July 2006

252 pages

This book addresses the reality of delivering gynaecological care in the 21st century, and looks at the developments that are currently taking place in the field. It provides an overview of some common gynaecological problems and looks at new services and different ways of delivering care. It also shows how gynaecological services are developing in response to women's needs. Above all the book is not medically orientated but shows how nurses and professionals allied to medicine are making a difference.
* Covers the latest developments in the gynaecological field
* Written soecifically from a nursing and allied health professionals perspective
About the Author
Sue Jolley (Editor), Womens centre, Clinic 3, B floor east block, Queens Medical Centre, Derby Road, Nottingham.
Sue Jolley was a mature entrant into nursing, previously working as a primary school teacher. She has been a Gynaecology Nurse for 15 years and has developed a special interest in teenage sexual health. Currently, she has dual responsibility for promoting research and managing the Gynaecology pre-operative assessment unit. She has several articles published on issues relating to women’s health.