
Genetically Engineered Food: Methods and Detection

ISBN: 978-3-527-60645-0

March 2006


287 pages

Clarifying the unsolved aspects of labeling novel foods, this book presents the methods, limitations and future perspectives for genetic engineering.
Following an overview of recent techniques and applications in plants, animals and microorganisms, a second section -- written by expert lawyers -- covers the legal issues of genetically engineered food and labeling. The whole is rounded off with methods and strategies for detecting genetic manipulation in food.
Indispensable for industry and laboratories working in food production.
About the Author

Knut J. Heller studied biology at the Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster in Munster, Germany, gaining his doctorate in 1977. Since 1992 he has also been head of the Institute for Microbiology at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Food and an honorary professor of the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel since1993. Professor Heller's research focuses on the micro and molecular biology of lactobacilli and their bacteriophages, and the biotechnology of dairy product manufacture, as well as the biological safety of genetically manipulated starter cultures.