
From Physics to Daily Life: Applications in Biology, Medicine, and Healthcare

ISBN: 978-3-527-68706-0

August 2014


386 pages


Beatrice Bressan brings together a number of outstanding examples of successful cross-disciplinary technology transfer originating in fundamental physics research, which dramatically impacted progress in biomedical research and clinical applications. Many of these examples were developed at CERN, a hotbed of fundamental inventions in particle physics.

Additional sections of the book deal with knowledge management and technology transfer including its economic aspects. While each chapter has been drafted by an expert in the field, the editor has carefully edited the whole book, ensuring a coherent overall structure.

A must-have for policy makers, technology companies, investors, strategic planners in research and technology, as well as attractive reading for the research community.

About the Author
Beatrice Bressan is a science and technology writer and an expert consultant for companies and associations. After a degree in Mathematical Physics (La Sapienza University, Rome) and a Master in Science Communication (ISAS, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste), Italy, she obtained a PhD and carried out a postdoctoral study in Knowledge Management and Technology Transfer for the Department of Physical Sciences of Helsinki University, Finland, within the research programmes of CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. She has worked as Technology Transfer Promotion Officer at CERN and as Scientific Journalist for EMI, the European Middleware Initiative at INFN (the Italian
National Institute of Nuclear Physics) and for ENEL (the Italian National Electricity Entity). Her managerial positions include: Responsible for the TOTEM experiment Outreach (CERN); Head of Communications (SIB, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics); Communications Manager (Physics Department, Geneva University); Communications Director (MaatG Cloud Computing Company), Switzerland, and Chief Business Development Officer (gnubila Software Development Company), France. She is member of EUSJA (European Union of Science Journalists? Associations) and has extensive experience in project management, business development, media publishing, public relations, mediation and negotiation. She is author and editor in a wide range of subject areas, among her publications: A History of International Research Networking (Wiley, 2010), Knowledge Management in an International Research Centre (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011).