
Evidence-Based Nephrology

ISBN: 978-1-444-35823-0

August 2011

BMJ Books

864 pages

This book covers the management of all major renal diseases from an evidence-based and patient-centred approach. With contributions from leading international experts who have a real understanding of evidence-based medicine it provides recommendations on treatment regimens to adopt for individual patients that are most strongly supported by the evidence.

The inclusion of the latest observational and epidemiological data, as well as randomized controlled trial evidence ensures that the book properly reflects the current state of evidence available for nephrological practice. It will be a useful aid to all clinicians, including those caring for transplant and pediatric patients, as it covers the major clinical questions encountered by nephrologists.

This reference is an invaluable source of evidence-based information distilled into guidance for clinical practice which will be welcomed by practitioners, trainees and associated health professionals.

About the Author
Donald Molony MD

Internal Medicine, Division of Renal Disease and Hypertension and Center for Clinical Research and Evidence-based Medicine, University of Texas-Houston Medical School, Houston, TX, USA

Jonathan C. Craig MD, PhD, FRACP

Department of Nephrology and Centre for Kidney Research, NHMRC Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in Renal Medicine, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, and School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Australia


  • An important and unique new renal medicine text for nephrologists
  • Makes the best evidence for treatment readily and easily available to the clinician
  • Covers management of all the major renal diseases
  • Written and edited by leading experts in nephrology and evidence-based medicine, many from the Cochrane Collaboration