
Employee Management and Customer Service in the Retail Industry

ISBN: 978-0-471-72324-0

August 2005

208 pages

Employee Management and Customer Service in the Retail Industry, by Gary Heil and Chris Thomas, attempts to combine the psychology of dealing with employees and customers with the practical realities of managing a retail business. Organized into ten chapters, this book loosely follows a retail manager’s natural progression from interviewing prospective employees, to hiring the right ones, paying them fairly, and keeping them happy on the job.
About the Author

Gary Heil is an educator, business consultant, and expert on leadership, service quality, and change management. Founder of The Center for Innovative Leadership, Heil is a highly regarded speaker and frequent commentator on radio and television and has served on the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award. He is also the coauthor of Maslow on Management and Leadership and the Customer Revolution.

Chris Thomas is a professional writer from Boise, Idaho.

New to Edition
  • Detailed information on how to write a job description, the processes of analyzing resumes, conducting employment interviews and background checks, as well as how to make a job offer to the top applicant.
  • Coverage of federal employment laws and regulatory agencies.
  • Discussion of workplace pitfalls such as discrimination, sexual harassment, competition between workers, unhappiness in the workplace, new-employee challenges, drug abuse, the health-versus-rights debate, personality conflicts, and the impact of technology on employees’ privacy rights. 
  • Coverage of labor unions, their representatives and grievance investigation procedures.
  • A thorough coverage of employee benefits-both financial and lifestyle related.
  • Creative ways to introduce morale-boosting changes to a department or sales force that may be struggling.
  • Examples of new customer-service trends in retail stores that are turning heads.
  • Chapter summary and discussion questions at the end of every chapter.
  • Detailed information on how to write a job description, the processes of analyzing resumes, conducting employment interviews and background checks, as well as how to make a job offer to the top applicant.
  • Coverage of federal employment laws and regulatory agencies.
  • Discussion of workplace pitfalls such as discrimination, sexual harassment, competition between workers, unhappiness in the workplace, new-employee challenges, drug abuse, the health-versus-rights debate, personality conflicts, and the impact of technology on employees’ privacy rights. 
  • Coverage of labor unions, their representatives and grievance investigation procedures.
  • A thorough coverage of employee benefits-both financial and lifestyle related.
  • Creative ways to introduce morale-boosting changes to a department or sales force that may be struggling.
  • Examples of new customer-service trends in retail stores that are turning heads.
  • Chapter summary and discussion questions at the end of every chapter.