
Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes, 3rd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-471-41442-1

September 2002

488 pages

This 3rd edition of the successful Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes improves on the last edition by condensing the material and organising it into a more teachable format. It provides more in-depth coverage of Markov chains and simple Markov process and gives added emphasis to statistical inference in stochastic processes.
  • Integration of theory and application offers improved teachability
  • Provides a comprehensive introduction to stationary processes and time series analysis
  • Integrates a broad set of applications into the text
  • Utilizes a wealth of examples from research papers and monographs
About the Author
U. NARAYAN BHAT, PhD, is Professor of Statistical Science and Operations Research as well as the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at Southern Methodist University.

GREGORY K. MILLER, PhD, is Associate Professor of Statistics at Stephen F. Austin State University.