
Creating the New American Hospital: A Time for Greatness

ISBN: 978-1-555-42514-2

March 1993


336 pages

Transforming the American Hospital

Provides an exciting, values-centered approach to leadingorganizational change that produces rapid and lastingresults.
--Coyla Anderson, executive vice president, operations, Holy CrossHealth System

At a time when the health care industry is going through acrisis--closures, layoffs, soaring costs, dissatisfied customers,and increased turnover--some hospitals have dramatically improvedquality, productivity, and profitability. How?

They have met the challenges of operating in today's health careenvironment through a complete, revolutionary transformation in howhospitals are managed. This book offers health care leaders anin-depth picture of how this new hospital operates and presentsdetailed, proven guidance for undertaking the transition.
About the Author
V. CLAYTON SHERMAN is founder and president of Management House, Inc., in Inverness, Illinois. Management House provides management development, organization development, and human resource services to a wide range of hospitals, Fortune 500 companies, associations, and emerging growth organizations. His consulting work has won numerous awards for his clients including achieving placement in the HCIA-Mercer list of the Top 100 Hospitals, Press-Ganey's nationally best-rated hospital in customer satisfaction, and 3M Innovations in Health Care Award for an organization's transformation using the New American Hospital model.Sherman's audiocassette programs, "The Uncommon Leader" and "Strategies for Stress Free Living," have been among the best-selling management programs of all time. he is the author of From Losers to Winners (1987) and Managerial Performance and Promotability (1984).