
Conquests and Consequences: The American West from Frontier to Region

ISBN: 978-0-882-95270-3

August 2009


475 pages


Conquests and Consequences introduces students to the history of the American West by examining key questions about the identity of the region.

  • Discusses how diverse societies and empires have shaped and reshaped the American West over the centuries
  • Looks at the points at which the West has functioned as a colony, and its transition to functioning as a region
  • Examines how the concept of frontier functions in the West
  • Illustrated with numerous maps, images, and photographs, in partnership with the Buffalo Bill Historical Center
About the Author

Carol L. Higham is an independent scholar who has taught at Winona State University, Texas A&M University, Davidson College, and theUniversity of North Carolina - Charlotte. Her first book, Noble, Wretched and Redeemable, examined missionary attitudes toward Indians in the Canadian and U.S. Wests. She then edited two comparative textbooks, One West, Two Myths. Currently, she is writing a book on myths about Indians as cannibals in Western North America.

William H. Katerberg is an associate professor of history and director of the Dirk and JoAnn Mellema Program in Western American Studies at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His research focuses on national identity, religion, popular culture, and the West in North America. His published work includes Modernity and the Dilemma of North American Anglican Identities, 1880-1950 (2001); The Future of Hope: Christian Tradition amid Modernity and Postmodernity, coedited with Miroslav Volf (2004); Future West: Utopia and Apocalypse in Frontier Science Fiction (2008); and essays on the history and culture of the North American West in Western American Literature  and The American Review of Canadian Studies. He is currently working on projects on political extremism in the United States since World War II and on violence and power in the North American West.