
Clicks and Mortar: Passion Driven Growth in an Internet Driven World

ISBN: 978-0-787-95688-2

April 2001


352 pages

The phenomenal rise of the Internet may seem to have transformed everything about business. But according to two men who have been at the forefront of the Internet's impact, some important things haven't changed: The future still belongs to passionate companies made up of passionate people. In this book, Schwab co-CEO David Pottruck teams up with leadership master and best-selling author Terry Pearce to show what it takes to build a high-growth organization in today's electronic environment.
Passionate companies have cultures that are created and sustained on purpose, and that support individual contribution, team play and risk-taking. Passionate leaders are driven by their own personal values, and a desire for the health and success of their organizations and people, not merely the promise of an IPO payoff. Passionate business practices are dynamic, and are anchored by the principles that made the company a success in the first place.
In Clicks and Mortar Pottruck and Pearce translate their experience working together at one of the world's fastest growing financial services companies into practical advice that will help other organizations adapt to the changes brought about by the technology-driven revolution. Through many stories and examples from Schwab, start-ups, and Fortune 500 companies, the authors show how organizations can marry technology and the best qualities of people to create the perfect environment for profitable success.
About the Author
DAVID S. POTTRUCK is president and co-CEO (with Charles Schwab) of The Charles Schwab Corporation TERRY PEARCE is president of Leadership Communication, a teacher at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and an executive communications officer at Schwab.