
Catalysis: Concepts and Green Applications

ISBN: 978-3-527-80260-9

November 2015

292 pages


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This introductory textbook covers all aspects of catalysis. It also bridges computational methods, industrial applications and green chemistry, with over 700 references. The author, a renowned researcher in catalysis, teaches scientific writing as well as chemistry. This makes him the ideal person to write such a textbook. The effectiveness of his practical approach has been well proven in courses for undergraduates and graduates (in 2007 he was voted "lecturer of the
year" by the chemistry students).
Following an introduction to green chemistry and the basics of catalysis, the book covers biocatalysis, homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis, as well as computer applications in catalysis research.
Each chapter also features integrated exercises that help students prepare for their exams.
About the Author
Gadi Rothenberg is Professor at the Van `t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, where he teaches courses on catalysis, thermodynamics and scientific writing. He has published over 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals and discovered two catalysts, for which he received the Marie Curie Excellence Award in 2004 and the Paul Rylander Award in 2006. Rothenberg also invented a method for monitoring pollutants in water, and co-founded the companies Sorbisense and Yellowdiesel. In 2007 he was voted 'teacher of the year' by the chemistry students. He is married, owns no car, and has a black belt in Shaolin Kung-Fu.
  • Each chapter features integrated exercises that help students prepare for their exams
  • Following an introduction to green chemistry and the basics of catalysis, the book covers biocatalysis, homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis
  • Covers computer applications in catalysis research
  • Provides a timely approach to subject
  • No other textbook on the market, which covers all aspects of catalysis and bridges also to computational methods, industrial applications and green chemistry
  • Practicability and quality of this approach is proved by the courses of the author
  • Author also teaches scientific writing - is the ideal person for writing a textbook. His students voted him "teacher of the year in 2007"