
Building the Reflective Healthcare Organisation

ISBN: 978-0-470-69113-7

April 2008


256 pages

Healthcare organisations have to manage change in order to evolve and improve care. This book explores the use of reflective practice as a practical tool to examine growth and change and to develop an effective health care organisation.
About the Author
Professor Tony Ghaye is a key player in reflective practice. He is editor of the Reflective practice journal for Carfax Publishing /Taylor and Francis and Chief Operating Officer of The International Institute of Reflective Practice-UK in Gloucestershire. He is also visiting Professor at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
● Explores the role of reflective practice in developing health care organisations
● Examines growth and change in organisations
● Addresses issues such as organisational values, trust, commitment, innovation, and flexibility
● Reflects on organisational learning as a means to develop healthcare
● Provides a means to improve organisational goals and achievements