
Biomass Recalcitrance: Deconstructing the Plant Cell Wall for Bioenergy

ISBN: 978-1-405-16360-6

June 2008


528 pages

Alternative and renewable fuels derived from lignocellulosic biomass offer a promising alternative to conventional energy sources, and provide energy security, economic growth, and environmental benefits. However, plant cell walls naturally resist decomposition from microbes and enzymes – this collective resistance is known as “biomass recalcitrance”. Breakthrough technologies are needed to overcome barriers to developing cost-effective processes for converting biomass to fuels and chemicals.

This book examines the connection between biomass structure, ultrastructure, and composition, to resistance to enzymatic deconstruction, with the aim of discovering new cost-effective technologies for biorefineries. It contains chapters on topics extending from the highest levels of biorefinery design and biomass life-cycle analysis, to detailed aspects of plant cell wall structure, chemical treatments, enzymatic hydrolysis, and product fermentation options.

Biomass Recalcitrance is essential reading for researchers, process chemists and engineers working in biomass conversion, also plant scientists working in cell wall biology and plant biotechnology.

About the Author
Dr Michael E. Himmel is a Principal Scientist and Group Manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, CO, USA, where he has worked for 28 years on projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of the Biomass Program.

Dr William S. Adney
Dr Rajai Atalla
Dr M. Bar-Peled
Dr Ed Bayer
Dr Alison Berry
Dr John Brady
Dr Mike Crowley
Dr Laurence B Davin
Dr David C. Dayton
Dr Stephen Decker
Dr Shi-You Ding
Dr Rick Elander
Professor Harry J Flint
Dr Tomas Foust
Dr Philip Harris
Dr Bernard Henrissat
Dr J. Richard Hess
Dr Michael E Himmel
Dr Kelly N. Isben
Dr David Johnson
Dr Michaël Jourdes
Dr Kevin E. Kenney
Dr Raphael Lamed
Dr Norman Lewis
Dr Lee R Lynd
Dr James F. Matthews
Dr Jim McMillan
Dr D. Mohnen
Dr Mark Nimlos
Dr Ann M. Pattern
Dr Stephen K. Picataggio
Dr Xianghong Qian
Dr Chris Somerville
Dr Bruce Stone
Dr Daniel van der Lelie
Dr Liisa Vikari
Dr Ross Walker
Dr David Wilson
Dr Y.H Percival Zhang
Dr Matti Siika-aho

First book to examine the connection between plant structure and composition, to resistance to enzymatic deconstruction. This research is essential for the development of better chemical and enzymatic treatments for successful biomass conversion.