
Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV

ISBN: 978-1-118-66674-6

March 2013

American Geophysical Union

367 pages

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Antarctic Research Series, Volume 39.

Fifteen species of sea anemones from Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seas are discussed. These include one member of Order Ptycholdactiaria and 14 (in nine families) of Order Actiniaria. Three of the actiniarians are new species, one belonging as well to a new genus: Bolocera paucicornis n. sp., Bathyphellia australis n. sp., and Eltaninactis infundibulum n. gen., n. sp. Of the 12 previously described species, only Galatheanthemum profundale and Actinauge verrillii had not been recorded from south polar seas before. The other known species of Bathyphelia is boreal.
About the Author

Louis S. Kornicker is the editor of Biology of the Antarctic Seas XIV, published by Wiley.