
Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater: Mechanism, Analysis, and Remediation

ISBN: 978-0-470-36926-5

October 2008

418 pages

  • Provides a viable reference, describing the state-of-knowledge on sources of arsenic contamination in ground water, which affects about 100 million people worldwide.
  • With contributions from world-renowned experts in the field, this book explores developments in the transport kinetics, detection, measurement, seasonal cycling, accumulation, geochemistry, removal, and toxicology of arsenic.
  • Includes compelling case studies describing how arsenic contamination occurs and the devastating effects on the people and environment affected by it.
About the Author

Satinder Ahuja, PhD, is a recognized expert in the field of chromatography and separations. As President of Ahuja Consulting, he has advised major pharmaceutical companies in the United States, Europe, and India. For the last several years, working on a pro bono basis, Dr. Ahuja has used his expertise in ultratrace analysis and separation chemistry to help solve the problem of arsenic contamination in the United States and Bangladesh. Dr. Ahuja has given lectures around the world, received numerous awards, and served on distinguished panels for the United Nations and National Science Foundation Review. He has published numerous papers and seventeen books.