
The Ecogeomorphology of Tidal Marshes

ISBN: 978-1-118-66511-4

March 2013

American Geophysical Union

268 pages


Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 59.

Salt marshes are coastal wetlands frequently inundated by tides. Given their peculiar characteristics, salt marshes are colonized by salt-tolerant communities of plants (halophytes) adapted to saturated soil conditions. Vegetation has an important role not only in marsh ecology, but also for the hydrology and geomorphology of these environments. For example, the feedback between marsh elevation and vegetation is fundamental for the survival of salt marshes, particularly when endangered by climate change and sea-level rise. On the other hand, the morphology of salt marshes and the processes that form this peculiar landscape have a strong impact on the ecosystem's function and structure.

About the Author

Sergio Fagherazzi and Marco Marani are the authors of The Ecogeomorphology of Tidal Marshes, published by Wiley.