
Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach

ISBN: 978-1-118-00902-4

January 2011


448 pages

Soft tissue tumors (STTs) are frequently misdiagnosed in inexperienced hands. Having diagnosed and treated hundreds of patients with these difficult tumors in the last few years, Institut Curie physicians have collected core data contributing to breakthrough research into the morphological, biological, and molecular aspects of soft tissue tumors, resulting in valuable translational and clinical applications to patient treatment. Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary, Decisional Diagnostic Approach presents a distillation of these experiences, combined with valuable data and perspectives contributed by senior pathologists, oncologists, and radiologists from several of the world’s other leading cancer centers of excellence.
About the Author

Jerzy Klijanienko, MD is Senior Surgical Pathologist and a Clinical Oncologist, as well as Head of Cytopathology, at the Institut Curie in Paris, France. He previously published a large, well-received series of articles concerning cytopathology in soft tissue tumors and has written a best-selling monograph on the pathology and diagnosis of salivary tumors.

Réal Lagacé, MD, is Clinical Pathologist at the Hôpital Universitaire in Quebéc, Canada, where he specializes in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of soft tissue tumors. He has a particular interest in the morphology and molecular biology of tumors, and has widely published in these areas.