
Photojournalism and Today's News: Creating Visual Reality

ISBN: 978-1-118-30738-0

December 2011


266 pages

Photojournalism and Today's News provides a practical guide for aspiring photojournalists as well as an intelligent look into newsroom culture and its influences on photographic assignments, production, and editing. Written by an award-winning photo editor and director of photography, and based on interviews with more than seventy high-profile journalists, this book appeals to students and young professionals alike.
  • Addresses a wide range of practical issues supported by in-depth examples from the field and critical thinking about photography, journalism, and newsroom culture
  • Examines social and cultural issues and how they are communicated through photojournalism
  • Prepares young journalists to respect their visual journalism colleagues by teaching them how to effectively work together
  • Highlights the expectations of the newsroom and editors
About the Author
Loup Langton currently serves as director of the visual journalism program at the University of Miami's School of Communication.
  • Addresses a wide range of practical issues supported by in-depth examples from the field and critical thinking about photography, journalism, and newsroom culture
  • Examines social and cultural issues and how they are communicated through photojournalism
  • Prepares young journalists to respect their visual journalism colleagues by teaching them how to effectively work together
  • Highlights the expectations of the newsroom and editors