

ISBN: 978-1-444-35150-7

June 2011


160 pages

This book provides a unique and accessible introduction to the complete works of Ovid. Using a thematic approach, Volk lays out what we know about Ovid's life, presents the author's works within their poetic genres, and discusses central Ovidian themes.
  • The first general introduction to Ovid written in English in over 20 years, offering the very latest Ovidian scholarship
  • Discusses the complete works of Ovid
  • Accessible writing and a thematic approach make this text ideal for a broad audience
  • A current revival in Ovid makes this timely edition highly valuable
About the Author

Katharina Volk is Associate Professor of Classics at Columbia University. She is the author of The Poetics of Latin Didactic: Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius (2002) and Manilius and his Intellectual Background (2009) and the editor of Seeing Seneca Whole: Perspectives on Philosophy, Poetry and Politics (with Gareth D. Williams, 2006), Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Vergil's Eclogues (2008), and Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Vergil's Georgics (2008).

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