
On Psychotherapy

ISBN: 978-1-870-33253-8

July 1993

272 pages

Dr Petruska Clarkson has made a lifelong study of the transforming effects of psychotherapy. This book draws together some of her best writings on the practice of psychotherapy, its process and outcomes, including some previously unpublished material. Written in an open, accessible style and reflecting the experience and wisdom gained from more than twenty years of working in the field of human understanding, communication and growth, the book will be welcomed by counsellors, psychotherapists, teachers and students for its clarity and authority. It contains case material, clear diagrams and a blend of assimilated theory and original insight.

As well as being a Founding Director of metanoia Psychotherapy Training Institute and a widely published author, Dr Clarkson is active in counselling, training trainers, holding international workshops and providing consultancy in public and private organizations.