

ISBN: 978-1-118-32672-5

April 2015


216 pages

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Newton is an evocative intellectual history of the life and ideas of Isaac Newton the natural philosopher, covering his influential thoughts about philosophical problems, our knowledge of nature, and even the nature of the divine.

  • Offers a comprehensive and highly accessible introduction to the life and ideas of Isaac Newton, emphasizing his influential contributions to the field of philosophy
  • Covers the principal philosophical topics that captivated Newton’s mind, from our knowledge of nature to the nature of the divine
  • Includes the most recent and innovative research regarding Newton’s views on theology and philosophy
  • Emphasizes the philosophical importance of Newton’s work to the history of philosophy and his engagement with the ideas of both historic and contemporary figures such as Galileo and Descartes, Leibniz and Locke
About the Author
Andrew Janiak is the Creed C. Black Associate Professor of Philosophy at Duke University, where he directs the graduate program in history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine. He is the author of Newton as Philosopher (2008), the co-editor of Interpreting Newton: Critical Essays (with Eric Schliesser, 2012), and the editor of Newton: Philosophical Writings (2014, second edition). He is associate editor of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
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