
Metamodelling for Software Engineering

ISBN: 978-0-470-03036-3

August 2008

232 pages

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This book focuses on metamodelling as a discipline, exploring its foundations, techniques and results. It presents a comprehensive metamodel that covers process, product and quality issues under a common framework.

Issues covered include:

  • An explanation of what metamodelling is and why it is necessary in the context of software engineering.
  • Basic concepts and principles of traditional metamodelling, and some existing results of this approach.
  • Problems associated with traditional approaches to Metamodelling are discussed, alongside an exploration of possible solutions and alternative approaches.
  • Advanced topics such as the extension of the object-oriented paradigm for metamodelling purposes or the foundations of powertype-based tool development will be studied.
  • Finally, a comprehensive case study is introduced and developed, showing how to use many of the concepts explained in the previous chapters.

This book provides a comprehensive conceptual framework for metamodelling and includes case studies and exercises which will demonstrate practical uses of metamodelling. For lecturers and educators, the book provides a layered repository of contents, starting from the basics of metamodelling in the first chapters, through specific issues such as trans-layer control or non-strict approaches, up to advanced topics such as universal powertyping or extensions to the object-oriented paradigm. The book also serves as an in-depth reference guide to features and technologies to consider when developing in-house software development methods or customising and adopting off-the-shelf ones. Software tool developers and vendors can benefit from the book by finding in it a comprehensive guide to the implementation of frameworks and toolsets for computer-aided software modelling and development.

About the Author

Cesar Gonzalez-Perez is a senior researcher in the application of information technologies in the management of cultural heritage at the Spanish National Research Council and was previously a researcher in the Department of Software Engineering at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Brian Henderson-Sellers is Director of the Centre for Object Technology Applications and Research and a professor at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is the author of more than a dozen books on object and agent technologies.

A comprehensive and practical guide to metamodelling in software engineering.