
Gastroenteritis Viruses

ISBN: 978-0-471-49663-2

May 2001

334 pages

This important book covers the structure and molecular biology of small round structured viruses (SSRVs) such as caliciviruses and astroviruses, and the basic pathology of infection. It provides readers with the knowledge needed to make progress in the prevention and treatment of these infections. Readers will also find an overview of gastroentitis vaccines, their structure and molecular biology, as well as the basic pathology of infection, epidemiology and surveillance.
  • Provides an interdisciplinary approach, offering contributions from basic and clinical research
  • Discusses the prevention and treatment of regimes
  • Includes an overview of gastroentitis vaccines
About the Author

Derek J. Chadwick and Jamie A. Goode are editors for Gastroenteritis Viruses and other scientific titles.