
Fundamentals of Psychopharmacology, 3d Edition

ISBN: 978-0-470-84237-9

November 2003

544 pages

Treatment with drugs is fundamental to modern therapy of psychiatric disorders. The number of disorders responsive to drug treatment is increasing, reflecting the extensive synthesis of novel compounds and the greater understanding of the aetiology of the disorders.

This third edition provides new and updated material, including an additional chapter on clinical trials and their importance in assessing the efficacy and safety of psychotropic drugs. As molecular biology and imaging techniques are of increasing importance to basic and clinical neuroscience, these areas have also been extended to illustrate their relevance to our understanding of psychopharmacology.

This book is essential reading for undergraduates in pharmacology and the neurosciences, postgraduate neuropharmacologists, psychiatrists in training and in practice and medical researchers.

Reviews of the Second Edition

"…this text is eminently readable, well researched, and probably the best of its kind.

The book is well worth buying and anyone who claims to know anything about psychopharmacology will be expected to have a heavily annotated copy." Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine

"…[this is] a very good book, especially suited to those interested in psychopharmacologic research and psychiatric residency in training." Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy


About the Author
Brian E. Leonard is the President Elect of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologium (CINP) and currently visiting professor in the Brain and Behaviour Research Institute of the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  • Gives the basic neuroscientist and psychiatrist an overview of psychopharmacology
  • Provides an update on the expanding field of psychotropic research
  • Very succesful first and second editions
  • Written by highly reputable author