
Executive's Guide to Web Services (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture)

ISBN: 978-0-471-26652-5

March 2003

240 pages

Discover how Web services can improve cost-savings and make your organization more competitive. You’ll get summaries of developing standards, current vendor positions (Microsoft, Novell, IBM, Oracle, Sun), and industry examples of Web services solutions and benefits.

Order your copy today!

About the Author
ERIC A. MARKS is an independent consultant and author. Previously, he was Vice President of Market Development with StreamServe Americas. Formerly, he was a client advisor with Cambridge Technology Partners, and before that he was managing director with BrightRoad, a division of Ontos Inc. He is the author of Business Darwinism: Evolve or Dissolve: Adaptive Strategies for the Information Age (Wiley).

MARK J. WERRELL is a business consultant based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has served as a senior executive with various technology companies, most recently spending eight years with Cambridge Technology Partners. Prior to joining Cambridge, he held management positions with Cap Gemini and Oracle Corporation in the United Kingdom.