
Drug-DNA Interactions: Structures and Spectra

ISBN: 978-0-471-78626-9

August 2008

392 pages

Learn vital information about drug-DNA interactions from Drug-DNA Interactions: Structures and Spectra, the only comprehensive book written about this topic. Understand the types of structural and bonding information that can be obtained using specific physico-chemical methods and discover how to design new drugs that are more effective than current treatments and have fewer side effects. Find detailed information about X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, molecular modeling, and optical spectroscopy such as UV-Visible absorption, fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), flow linear dichroism (FLD), infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy.
About the Author
Kazuo Nakamoto pioneered the use of metal isotopes to elucidate the involvement of metals in low-frequency vibrations in metallic complexes and was among the first to use matrix isolation techniques to prepare and characterize unstable specie. He is the author of Infrared and Raman Spectra of Inorganic and Coordination compounds, Fifth Edition (Wiley).

Masamichi Tsuboi studies DNA and RNA structures, drug-DNA interaction, protein conformation, protein-nucleic acid recognition, and virus structure using a variety of physicochemical and biomedical techniques including X-ray diffraction, UV-Visible, IR/Raman , and NMR spectroscopy.

Gary D. Strahan uses physico-chemical techniques to understand biological systems relevant to pharmaceutical discovery and agricultural and natural product analyses. His work has emphasized spectroscopic methods, NMR, and computational modeling to determine the structures and properties of multistranded DNA, drug-DNA complexes, carbohydrates, and other biomolecules, as well as metabonomic and chemometric studies.