
Diagnostic Microbiology of the Immunocompromised Host

ISBN: 978-1-555-81397-0

October 2008

ASM Press

424 pages

In addition to the usual litany of pathogens that threaten all of us, patients with compromised immune status are susceptible to normally harmless microbial cohabitants. Such infections may become invasive and life-threatening, in recent years affecting growing numbers of patients. This book focuses on the implementation of diagnostic techniques for a special purpose, that of accurately and rapidly diagnosing infections of the immunocompromised patient.
• Provides a timely, up-to-date, and comprehensive summary of the ever-expanding array of technologies used to diagnose infections and to monitor the effectiveness of specific therapies in immuncompromised patients.
• Details the importance of technology providing “real-time” results for immunocompromised patients, as infections in these patients often evolve quickly into life-threatening events.
• Describes the potential to improve access to this technology for all patients.