
Crime and Social Exclusion

ISBN: 978-0-631-20912-6

April 1998


184 pages

Via a mutual concern with social exclusion, the agendas of criminology and social policy have begun to overlap far more in recent years. The two fields have always shared a common concern with class, and more recently with race and gender, but remained rigorously differentiated until crime prevention moved higher on political and academic agendas in the 1980s. This collection of papers explores aspects of social exclusion and the measures taken to reduce its impact from the perspective of both disciplines. The contributors write mainly, though not exclusively, from a British perspective, However the issues raised are of broader relevance to North America, Europe and elsewhere. Criminology in Britain has recently been examining the way in which political initiatives designed to contain and exclude dispossessed populations (seen to constitute major crime risks) have permeated all areas of criminal justice policy. In America this has led to an increased emphasis on the rhetoric of retribution, and the 'management' of criminal classes, shifting away from earlier emphasis on 'rehabilitating' individual offenders. Critics of this development increasingly recognise that more practical answers to crime involve not more penal repression but social policies designed to integrate and include the dispossessed, especially the young. It is in this connection that the experience of Singapore offers a different sort of warning.
About the Author
Catherine Jones Finer is Reader in Comparative Social Policy at the University of Birmingham and Editor of Social Policy and Administration.

Mike Nellis is Lecturer in the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the University of Birmingham.

* Begins a new series of books designed to reflect and contribute to the new thinking on social policy. (Broadening Perspectives on Social Policy).
* Addresses topical issues, in view of worldwide concerns about rising crime rates and European concerns about social policy.
* Contains wide-ranging, comprehensive and original coverage of the subject by contributors who are foremost in their fields.