
Bioelectrochemistry : Fundamentals, Experimental Techniques and Applications

ISBN: 978-0-470-75383-5

August 2008

496 pages

Bioelectrochemistry: Fundamentals, Experimental Techniques and Application, covers the fundamental aspects of the chemistry, physics and biology which underlie this subject area. It describes some of the different experimental techniques that can be used to study bioelectrochemical problems and it describes various applications of biolelectrochemisty including amperometric biosensors, immunoassays, electrochemistry of DNA, biofuel cells, whole cell biosensors, in vivo applications and bioelectrosynthesis.

 By bringing together these different aspects, this work provides a unique source of information in this area, approaching the subject from a cross-disciplinary viewpoint.

About the Author

Philip N. Bartlett is Head of the Electrochemistry Section, Deputy Head of Chemistry for Strategy, and Associate Dean for Enterprise in the Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Southampton. He received his PhD from Imperial College London and was a Lecturer at the University of Warwick and a Professor for Physical Chemistry at the University of Bath, before moving to his current position. His research interests include bioelectrochemistry, nanostructured materials, and chemical sensors.