
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A

Edited By:Maximilian Muenke

Vol 176(24 Issues in 2018 )

Print ISSN: 1552-4825

Online ISSN: 1552-4833


Special features of Part A include:

EarlyView — this service allows users to view individual articles from AJMG as soon as they are ready, before the release of the compiled print issue. These articles are complete, peer-reviewed, and citable.

Supplemental Material — available via the online edition of the Journal, this feature allows for the publication of key data presented as video clips, large sections of tabular data, program code, or electronic graphical files that are otherwise not suitable for print media.

Online Manuscript Submission and Peer Review — this service makes it very easy to submit a paper for publication in the Journal and facilitates rapid publication. For more information and detailed instructions, visit: mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ajmg-a.