
Unfolding the Eco-wave: Why Renewal is Privotal

ISBN: 978-0-471-60792-2

February 2000

150 pages

Alexander Ryzhenkov Unfolding the Eco-Wave Why Renewal is Pivotal System dynamics is a method similar to econometrics and mathematical statistics. Normally it is used to provide a rigorous analysis of models in closed systems (a system that is artificially created to simplify certain conditions, so that other conditions can be examined in more detail). Here, however, it is used for the first time to study capital accumulation, and the economic cycles. It is well documented that econometrics and mathematical statistics have their limitations. For the first time Unfolding the Eco-Wave sets out to prove that system dynamics does provide a coherent structure, language, and process for learning about and explaining economic phenomena in a way that is impossible to achieve with mathematical statistics and econometrics. Finance/Investment
About the Author
Dr Alexander Ryzhenkov was awarded the Diploma of Economics and Mathematics at Novosibirsk State University in 1975. Dr Ryzhenkov spent some years at the Department of Political Economy, and in 1982 completed a dissertation on the regularities of private consumption under modern capitalism. He worked at the Austrian Institute for Economic Research during 1986 and 1987, and subsequently carried out projects on technological innovations and economic institutions at the universities of both Mannheim and Bremen. Dr Ryzhenkov worked at Arthur D Little International in Wiesbaden, Germany, during 1993, and as modeller of an operational policy for sustainable development at the Worcester Polytechnical Institute, in the USA, during 1999. His scientific results have formed the basis of lectures at the Novosibirsk State University, in Siberia, where he currently works, and have been presented at several international conferences and published in international journals.