
Management for Nurses and Health Professionals: Theory into Practice

ISBN: 978-0-632-06433-5

April 2004


216 pages


Management for Nurses and Health Professionals examines management theory and its applications in healthcare, with an emphasis on relating theory to the organisation of patient care and effective management in everyday practice.

This essential guide to health care management explores clinical governance, middle management, interprofessional working and clinical leadership as well as examining the organizational culture of the NHS, change management and management roles. It demonstrates how management theory has influenced health care and encourages the reader to become actively involved in shaping management and health care development.

  • an essential guide for students and qualified staff
  • examines key concepts and theories
  • explores evidence based practice
  • relates theory to practice
About the Author

Alistair Hewison is senior lecturer and research lead for nursing. He has undertaken research investigating the organisation of care over a number of years and published widely on nursing, management and policy in scholarly journals and book chapters.
He has led a number of projects investigating end of life care in a range of settings, service redesign, and the organisation of nursing services. His involvement in this programme of work is centred on understanding how the organisation and management of services can improve care.

* an essential guide for students and qualified staff
* examines key concepts and theories
* explores evidence based practice
* relates theory to practice