
Know Your Customer: New Approaches to Understanding Customer Value and Satisfaction

ISBN: 978-1-557-86553-3

April 1996

360 pages

Intended for business students and managers who want to become more customer-oriented, this book focuses on helping managers develop information skills for understanding customers' perceptions of value and satisfaction.
About the Author
Dr. Woodruff is Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the University of Tennessee. He has published four books and over 40 articles on such topics as marketing management, market opportunity analyses, customer value and satisfaction, and consumer behaviour. Dr. Woodruff has worked with more than 20 organizations to help them with marketing planning, market analysis, and customer value and satisfaction measurement activities. He is also a speaker in management development programs.

Dr. Gardials research interests are in the areas of customer value and satisfaction, situational influences in the buying and choice process, information processing, and consumer/salesperson interactions. She is an instructor in the executive training institutes conducted through the Management Development Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She has published articles from her research in journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Advertising, Marketing Letters, and the Journal of Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behaviour.


  • Integrates customer value and satisfaction into a comprehensive systematic measurement process called customer value determination.

  • Discusses predictions of future changes in customer value and satisfaction.

  • Explores actual company experiences which illustrate measurement techniques.

  • Every step of customer value determination is discussed in depth.