
English Drama: A Cultural History

ISBN: 978-0-631-19938-0

April 1996


428 pages

This book provides a comprehensive account of the cutlural history of English drama. Drawing upon new empirical research and the latest theoretical models, Shepherd and Womack show how the character of a given theatrical 'age', as traditionally described, is packed with contradictions and uneven in development. Focusing on key historical moments and modes, they offer chapters on Medieval Theatre, Renaissance Drama, Restoration Comedy, Melodrama, and Naturalism, and conclude with accounts of Post-War British Theatre and the State, and Drama in the Age of Television.
About the Author
Simon Shepherd is Professor of Drama at Nottingham University.

Peter Womack lectures in the School of English and American Studies at the University of East Anglia.

* Comprehensive account * Designed for the student * Serves two distinct study needs