
Construction of Fills, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-471-58523-7

December 1993

265 pages

The compaction guide to greater profits, less hassle. Boost yourbottom line with the expert, efficient soil compaction techniquesand technological solutions in this fully updated Second Edition.This revision will provide the contractor, fill inspector, andgeotechnical engineer with greater coverage of environmentaltopics, including.
* Septic system site investigation, evaluation, design, andconstruction, plus existing system renovation, repair, maintenance,and management
* The latest uses of artificial fills from around the world--foamplastics, Elastizell, Geocell, Solite, and waste materials likeshredded tires and wood chips
* New material and helpful case studies on the correlation ofStandard and Modified Proctor densities and a method fordetermining numerical values of bearing capacities for Proctordensities
In addition to the current state of the art of fill technology,basic insights into soil behavior are provided. Innovative andpatented methods of design are presented, especially valuable foryoung practitioners and those responsible for their supervision andcontinuing education. Reviewed as "conversational," "humorous,""full of wisdom," and "practical," this unusually readable resourceis a profit-maker no construction professional can afford to dowithout.
About the Author
EDWARD J. MONAHAN, P.E., M. ASCE, is a private consultant. He is a Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, having taught for twenty-six years at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he was head of the Geotechnical Group. Dr. Monahan holds two patents on the use of lightweight fills and is listed in Who's Who in Technology Today and Who's Who in Science and Engineering. He earned a PhD in civil engineering from Oklahoma State University.