
Beginning Radio and TV Newswriting: A Self-Instructional Learning Experience, 5th Edition

ISBN: 978-1-405-16042-1

April 2009


160 pages

The fifth edition of this bestselling text instructs students on the basic styles, principles, and techniques of radio and TV newswriting. It makes an ideal supplement to basic newswriting texts or radio and TV industry texts.
  • Offers clear instruction, examples and exercises to guide beginning students in correct radio and TV news style
  • Fully updated and with even more examples, exercises and tests
  • The author has extensive radio and TV news experience, both on-the-air and behind the scenes as a producer, news writer, videographer, newscaster, sportscaster, host and reporter
About the Author
K. Tim Wulfemeyer is a Professor in the School of Journalism and Media Studies at San Diego State University where he serves as the coordinator of the Journalism Degree Program. He has extensive radio-TV news experience, both on-the-air as a newscaster, sportscaster, host and reporter and behind the scenes as a producer, newswriter and videographer.
  • Offers clear instruction, examples and exercises to guide beginning students in correct radio-TV news style
  • Fully updated and with even more examples, exercises and tests
  • The author has extensive radio-TV news experience, both on-the-air and behind the scenes as a producer, news writer, videographer, newscaster, sportscaster, host and reporter