
Youth Volunteers: How to Recruit, Train, Motivate and Reward Young Volunteers

ISBN: 978-1-118-69189-2

July 2013


52 pages


Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides strategies for nonprofit organizations to recruit, train, motivate, and reward young volunteers. It addresses:

  • Beginning a youth volunteer program
  • Tips and techniques to recruit young volunteers
  • Connecting with and motivating young people in volunteer efforts
  • Benefits and rewards for young volunteers
  • Reaching and engaging college-age volunteers

 Important topics covered include:

  • Volunteer selection guidelines
  • Teen incentive programs
  • College and university partnerships
  • Online recruitment
  • Communicating with younger volunteers
  • Internships
  • Grants and awards
  • Youth volunteer benefits
  • Cultural awareness
  • Family engagement
  • Working with first-time offenders
  • Youth volunteer boards

Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.

About the Author

Scott C. Stevenson is the editor of Youth Volunteers: How to Recruit, Train, Motivate and Reward Young Volunteers, published by Wiley.