
Wi-Fi Toys: 15 Cool Wireless Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment

ISBN: 978-0-764-55894-8

July 2004

408 pages

  • This ultra-cool volume invites readers to tap into your inner geek and build seventeen ultra-cool wireless devices including a solar powered access point, a wireless picture frame that dynamically changes its own photos, and even a wireless car-to-car audio and video system
  • With a few simple tools, some off-the-shelf parts, and this book, readers will be creating wireless devices they never thought were possible-toys that certainly can't be found at the local computer store
  • Written by the cofounder and members of the Southern California Wireless Users Group, this book provides readers with hands-on instruction and insider tips and tricks from those who are on the bleeding edge of wireless technology
  • New addition to the ExtremeTech line of books-books for serious technophiles
About the Author
Mike Outmesguine is president and founder of TransStellar, Inc., a successful technology services company focusing on wireless mobility and energy infor-mation systems. He is also co-founder of the Southern California Wireless Users Group, a video-game aficionado, and a fan of long wardrives on the beach.