
Useful Policies, Examples and Forms for the Volunteer Manager

ISBN: 978-1-118-69194-6

July 2013


52 pages


Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource offers nonprofit organizations strategies to recruit, manage and retain volunteers.  It includes procedures for screening, orienting, training and motivating volunteers as well as samples of useful forms, policy statements and other examples that the volunteer manager can put to immediate use.

 Important topics covered include:

  • Background checks
  • Volunteer training
  • Volunteer checklists
  • Volunteer assignments
  • Skill-based volunteer programs
  • Volunteer motivation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Tracking volunteer hours
  • Innovative recruitment ideas
  • Minority outreach
  • Training manuals
  • Volunteer surveys
  • Volunteer recognition
  • Communication
  • Mentors
  • Youth Volunteers
  • Staff engagement
Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues
About the Author

Scott C. Stevenson is the editor of Useful Policies, Examples and Forms for the Volunteer Manager, published by Wiley.