
Thixoforming: Semi-solid Metal Processing

ISBN: 978-3-527-62397-6

December 2009

474 pages

Offering a sound technological overview, while also including the fundamental aspects, this book provides the knowledge needed to master the highly challenging process characteristics for successful application in industrial production. It summarizes the first-hand experience gained from twelve years of collaborative research covering materials science, rheology, casting and forming, control and surface technology as well as the modeling of flow behavior, tool engineering and systems engineering, and thus treats all the vital aspects of this field.
For materials scientists, physicists, engineers, and those working in the metal processing industry.
About the Author
Gerhard Hirt is Professor at the Institute of Metal Forming of RWTH Aachen University, Germany, since 2004 and currently serves as the speaker of the collaborative research centre SFB289 "Thixoforming". He studied mechanical engineering at the RWTH and received his Ph.D. in the field of direct strip casting at the Institute of Metal Forming in 1988. His research activities include work in the field of semi-solid metal forming from 1991 to 1999 during his position as general manager of EFU GmbH, a company offering equipment and R&D service in metal casting and forming. From 1999 until 2004 he was Professor for Materials Technology and Precision Forming of Saarland University in Saarbrucken.

After an industrial career as head of Production Technology R&D Department, Donier GmbH, Reiner Kopp took up an academic activity as full professor at the Institute of Metal Forming at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany, where at the present time he is professor emeritus. He was vice President of RWTH Aachen and Dean of the Faculty of Geo-Sciences and Material Technology. Furthermore his activity covers several chairmanships and advisory board memberships, e.g. at ThyssenKrupp Stainless, SMS Group and Vallourec & Mannesmann. Likewise notable is his involvement in the Board of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, acatech, and the vice chairmanship of the international organisation Euro-CASE. He is also member of the Academy of Science North Rhine-Westphalia and the Academy Cirp. Since 2008 he is member of the University Advisory Board of the RWTH Aachen. He has received numerous honours and awards, among which were several honorary doctorates.