
The Spain of the Catholic Monarchs 1474-1520

ISBN: 978-0-631-22143-2

January 2001


340 pages

This book provides a comprehensive and compelling history of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella form the origins and upbringing of the two rulers, through the events and circumstances of their rule, to the consequences for the following generations.
About the Author
John Edwards read Modern History at The Queen's College, Oxford, where he was also Laming Junior Fellow. His doctoral thesis (1976) was on Cordoba and Jerez de la Frontera in the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. He taught, as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader, in the School of History at the University of Birmingham, and is now Research Fellow in Spanish in the University of Oxford. He has published extensively on the political, economic, social and religious history of Spain in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.