
The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship Case Studies

ISBN: 978-0-471-18229-0

July 1997

336 pages

The crucial link between theory and practice

In The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship Case Studies you'll meetpeople who have used the business theories and practices presentedin The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship to start and run their ownentrepreneurial ventures. You'll get a real sense of what it takesto conceive, develop, finance, and operate a business, and howparticular elements, such as business plans and financialforecasts, function in the real world. These case studies cover abroad variety of service and product industries: retail, wholesale,mail order, and Internet. You'll discover the trials and rewards ofstarting a travel agency, launching a new glass-cleaning product,setting up a fashion Web site, and selling women's hosiery throughdirect mail. Other studies cover ventures in the computer industry,the restaurant business, automobile service franchising, andbusiness consulting.

Each case study is illustrated with exhibits --financialstatements, business plans, sample contracts, and more --and manyare supplemented with end-of-chapter questions that help youanalyze the viability of each entrepreneurial venture and test yourability to respond to the challenges you'll face in pursuit of yourown entrepreneurial dreams.
About the Author

WILLIAM D. BYGRAVE, MA, DPhil, MBA, DBA, is the Frederic C. Hamilton Professor for Free Enterprise and Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College, and Visiting Professor at INSEAD (the European Institute for Business Administration).

DAN D'HEILLY, MBA, is Project Manager for the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at Babson College. He is also a part-timelecturer at the college.