
The Life of Evelyn Waugh: A Critical Biography

ISBN: 978-0-631-23134-9

July 2001


468 pages

He has written a masterful biography, rich in enlivened critical detail, which more than any other study of Waugh to date, works to redress the bias against its subject that is so representative of Stannard's major two-volume account.
About the Author
Douglas Lane Patey is Professor of English at Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. His previous books include Probability and Literary Form: Philosophic Theory and Literary Practice in the Augustan Age (1984). He is the author of numerous essays on eighteenth-century and philosophical subjects.
* Offers a judicious account of a major controversial figure.
* Counters bias found in Stannard's standard biography.
* Provides first truly critical literary biography of Waugh to date.
* Maps objectively with great sensitivity continuities in Waugh's spiritual and religious development.