
The House of Commons 1509-1558: Personnel, Procedure, Precedent and Change

ISBN: 978-1-119-27980-8

March 2017


432 pages


The House of Commons 1509-1558 offers readers a groundbreaking examination of the role and significance of the British House of Commons during the Tudor period.

  • Utilizes new scholarship, archival research, and never-before-published images to enhance our understanding
  • Details all aspects of the institution, including elections and electoral practice, membership, organization, the House in session, and legislation
  • Addresses innovations in the conduct and management of the House during this time, such as the introduction of divisions and increasing bureaucratization
  • Demonstrates the turbulent nature of the House during the Tudor age and reevaluates the nature of political opposition
About the Author

Alasdair Hawkyard is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and the Royal Historical Society. He was formerly Co-editor and Principal Research Assistant on the 1509-1558 section of the History of Parliament. His long-standing interest in architectural, social, and political history is reflected in a range of articles published in Parliamentary History as well as other academic journals. He is the co-editor of Sir Thomas Duppa’s Commonplace Book (Wiley Blackwell, 2015) and co-author of The Counties of Britain: A Tudor Atlas by John Speed (1988).