
The Causes of the English Civil War

ISBN: 978-0-631-20451-0

December 1998


200 pages

This book provides students with the essential background to the English Civil War and to the historical debates surrounding its causes.
About the Author
Norah Carlin is Principal Lecturer in Early Modern History at Middlesex University. She is the author of The First English Revolution (1983) and has contributed to Bradshaw (ed.) et al, Representing Ireland: Literature and the Origins of Conflict, 1534-1660 (1993) and Grell & Scribner (ed.), Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation (1996).
* Provides background for students new to the period.
* Assesses economic, social, religious and political life, covering the impact of long-term change as well as short-term developments.
* Examines the English Civil War debate in the 1990s and discusses the problems of causation in history.