
Security Management of Next Generation Telecommunications Networks and Services

ISBN: 978-1-118-74698-1

October 2013

Wiley-IEEE Press

392 pages

This book will cover network management security issues and currently available security mechanisms by discussing how network architectures have evolved into the contemporary NGNs which support converged services (voice, video, TV, interactive information exchange, and classic data communications). It will also analyze existing security standards and their applicability to securing network management. This book will review 21st century security concepts of authentication, authorization, confidentiality, integrity, nonrepudiation, vulnerabilities, threats, risks, and effective approaches to encryption and associated credentials management/control. The book will highlight deficiencies in existing protocols used for management and the transport of management information.
About the Author

STUART JACOBS is Principal Consultant for YCS Consulting LLC and a Lecturer at Boston University Metropolitan College. He serves as an Industry Security Subject Matter Expert for the Telecommunications Management and Operations Committee (TMOC) of the Alliance for the Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). Mr. Jacobs has also served as a technical editor of ATIS Joint Committee Technical Reports and ITU-T Recommendations.