
Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity, Volume 3

ISBN: 978-3-527-63097-4

June 2010

260 pages

Written in a style that breaks the barriers between the disciplines, this monograph enables researchers from life science, physics, engineering, or chemistry to access the most recent results in a common language. The resulting review character of this project sets it apart from specialized journals, and allows each volume to respond quickly to new developments.
This third volume contains new topics ranging from chaotic computing, via random dice tossing and stochastic limit-cycle oscillators, to a number theoretic example of self-organized criticality, wave localization in complex networks and anomalous diffusion.
A first-class board of international scientists advises the editor, such that the carefully selected and invited contributions represent the latest and most relevant findings.

About the Author
Editor: Heinz Georg Schuster
Editorial Board: Christoph Adami, California Institute of Technology, USA
Stefan Bornholdt, University of Bremen, Germany
Wolfram Just, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Kunihiko Kaneko, University of Tokyo, Japan
Ron Lifshitz, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Ernst Niebur, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
Guenter Radons, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Eckehard Schoell, TU Berlin, Germany
Hong Zhao, Xiamen University, China

Heinz Georg Schuster is Professor (em.) of Theoretical Physics at the University of Kiel in Germany. In 1971 he attained his doctorate and in 1976 he was appointed Professor at the University of Frankfurt am Main in Germany. He was a visiting professor at the Weizmann-Institute of Science in Israel and at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, USA. He is author and editor of research monographs and topical handbooks on chaos theory, nonlinear dynamics and neural networks, but also on popular science books.