
Radiation Processing of Polymer Materials and Its Industrial Applications

ISBN: 978-1-118-16279-8

March 2012

444 pages

Up-to-date, comprehensive coverage on radiation-processed polymer materials and their applications

Offering a unique perspective of the industrial and commercial applications of the radiation processing of polymers, this insightful reference examines the fundamental scientific principles and cutting-edge developments advancing this diverse field. Through a variety of case studies, detailed examples, and economic feasibility analysis, Radiation Processing of Polymer Materials and Its Industrial Applications systematically explains the commercially viable ways to process and use radiation-processed polymeric materials in industrial products. In addition, this one-of-kind text:

  • Covers important chemistry and processing fundamentals, while emphasizing their translation into practical applications of radiation-processed polymers
  • Incorporates new applications in nanotechnology, biomaterials, and recycling
  • Systematically discusses new developments in the field and summarizes past achievements

By helping readers—from students to scientists, engineers, technicians, and sales and marketing professionals—understand and solve problems associated with radiation processing of polymers, Radiation Processing of Polymer Materials and Its Industrial Applications serves as an essential reference and fills an important gap in the literature.

About the Author
KEIZO MAKUUCHI is the Representative of EB System Consulting Office and an internationally renowned expert in the field of radiation chemistry and radiation processing of polymers. Dr. Makuuchi worked for Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute and EB System Corporation for forty years. He has authored or coauthored ten books on radiation chemistry and has contributed to more than 200 scientific publications.

SONG CHENG is the founder of Song Cheng International, a consulting company. He has over fourteen years of extensive experience in radiation processing of polymer materials. Mr. Cheng is the author of over twenty journal articles and is the inventor of six patents.